The Effect of Computerized Provider Order Entry on Medical Student Clerkship Experiences

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This study included 143 medical students at John Hopkins University School of medicine. These students were enrolled in the Basic Medicine clerkship between March 2003 and April 2004. They either had no experience with ordering at all or had only been exposed to paper-based ordering. The medical student’s clerkship was at three teaching hospitals: one using a CPOE system, one that began using CPOE halfway through the study, and the last one used paper orders. [1]


A survey was performed prior to the clerkship and again at the end of the first month of the clerkship.


Out of the 143 students at the John Hopkins University School of Medicine, 96% responded. Students responded that they wanted to put 100% of their orders in the system for their patients. 95% of students believed that placing orders helped them learn what exactly their patients needed for testing and treatments.


When comparing survey results from students who used a CPOE system versus paper based ordering system; there were no significant differences in ordering opportunities or patient- care giving abilities. Most of the students in this study appreciated the benefits of CPOE and felt that it did not impact with their leading .


As more hospitals are implementing these computerized systems, it is important that the educators are allowing for these students to adequately place these orders and they are receiving opportunities to participate in the care of their patients. CPOE is a valuable tool used today in health care to improve the safety of patient care. It is important that it does not interfere with medical education because its value may be reduced.


  1. Knight, 2005. The Effect of Computerized Provider Order Entry on Medical Student Clerkship Experiences.