HL7 develops the first unique clinical profile for the ED, based on its EHR umbrella standard
Grey M. Emergencies first. HL7 develops the first unique clinical profile for the ED, based on its EHR umbrella standard. Healthc Inform. 2007 Jul;24(7):12, 14
Unfortunately, many EHR’s have been developed primarily for primary care providers and as such do not fit well the pattern of care seen in other specialties. The Hl-7 standards have been developed to allow interoperability of electronic health records across different systems as well as specialties. In an attempt to help develop a model for emergency departments, they have created an Emergency Care Functional Profile (EC FM) which is based on HL7's EHR System Functional Model (EHR-S-FM). The EC-FM appreciates the fact that the ED doesn’t function like many other departments in a hospital. For example, one might need to develop a patient profile before a patient even enters the hospital. This would be seen when an ECG of a patient having a myocardial infarction is sent to the ED via an ambulance transmission before the patient arrives at the hospital. The ED needs to start compiling this data before the patient is even registered so it does not follow the typical linear pattern of information flow that is usually seen in a hospital. This, as well as other unique emergency department situations, is addressed in the EC-FM.
The EC-FM lists essential features of an ED EHR which are considered essential now and others which might be considered essential in the future. This will give vendors things to strive for in their systems.
The paper then goes on to say that the next step needed is for CCHIT to come up with criteria for a certification panel that might be used to compare vendor’s products. As the paper states, “There is definitely a difference between the functional profile that HL7 creates and the certification criteria that the CCHIT develops. The profile is essentially a list of all the things that an ED EHR should do—all its essential functionalities. Whereas the certification criteria are a practical application of the profile—it identifies how to test each of the functionalities. The CCHIT inspection process not only tests functionality of a software product but also its interoperability, security, and reliability. These features aren't necessarily addressed in HL7's profile.” (Mark Leavitt, chairman of CCHIT)
While this is a short article about the EC-FM many of the key issues of this modal are described along with what CCHIT can do to help ensure that its functionalities are incorporated into the EHR. Working in an ED, I would like to see many of these functionalities tested and incorporated into our EHR yesterday.